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Where can I find Capital One Financial Corp (COF) stock information?

Get Capital One Financial Corp (COF:NYSE) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC.

Is Capital One Financial Corporation (CoF) a good stock to buy?

Capital One Financial Corporation's stock symbol is COF and currently trades under NYSE. It’s current price per share is approximately $142.91. What are your Capital One Financial Corporation (COF) stock predictions? 20 Wall Street analysts have issued ratings. Currently, 6 analysts rated COF as Bullish, 1 rated it Bearish, and 13 rated it Neutral.

What happened to Capital One Financial Corp?

No significant news for in the past two years. Capital One Financial Corp. operates as a financial holding company. The firm engages in the provision of financial products and services. It operates through the following segments: Credit Card, Consumer Banking and Commercial Banking. The Credit Card segment includes...

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